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碧 海 蓝 天
发布时间:2009/9/26  阅读次数:4715  字体大小: 【】 【】【

碧 海 蓝 天


         大自然美丽的风景可谓多矣,青山绿水让人心旷神怡,奇花异草让人心花怒放,高山雪原让人肃然起敬,荒原戈壁让人望而生畏,楼台亭阁让人流连忘返,历史古迹让人注足深思。 但是,如果只让我选择一种, 那我还是要选择碧海蓝天。  |
       我两次在海边工作累计达十年之久,与大海相伴,与它的心相贴,就会感悟到大海的浩翰气势和不择细流的宽阔胸襟。 一直以来,我感到,要描述海天一色的壮丽景观和其蕴涵其中的人生真谛,自己所掌握的语言真是显得有点苍白无力。
       沧桑巨变,星转物移,时光流逝,海天永存。大海像一个永远忠诚的朋友,在它的面前你会想起人生的奋斗与拼搏, 成功与失败, 收获与失去,幸福与痛苦。很久以来,我们把人生比喻成在大海上行驶的一叶小舟,有时风平浪静,一帆风顺;有时波涛汹涌,逆水行舟;还有那暗礁险滩,令人防不胜防。唯有奋斗与拼搏,才能勇往直前。泛舟于大海之中,大海让我们想到的不仅是广阔和无私,更让我们想到力量和永恒。只有热爱大海的人,才能理解它的真谛。
       我喜欢碧海蓝天,也希望我的朋友喜欢。 海阔天远,云卷云舒,给我们一种胸怀与意境;海深天高,无私付出,给我们一种力量与鼓舞。同时,也希望你我的心胸象大海一样宽阔,象蓝天一样明朗。让我们遨游在碧海,飞翔在蓝天.....  

Blue sea blue sky
Gong jian chun
The nature beautiful scenery are many, the beautiful scenery lets the human be completely relaxed, the strange flower and grass lets the human be ecstatic, the alpine snowfield lets the human have profound respect, wilderness Gobi lets the human be awed at the sight, the tower pavilion Chinese style pavilion lets the human forget to return, the historic monuments let the human pour think deeply fully. But, if only lets me choose one kind, then I must choose the blue sea blue sky.
Hiner hundred Sichuan, no matter its size, did not ask where it does come from, therefore sea vast boundless; The sky accepts each clouds, no matter its beautiful clown, does not ask its what kind of color, therefore sky broad boundless.
I reach ten year long time in the seashore work accumulation two times, with sea accompanying, pastes with its intention, the feeling will become aware the sea the vast imposing manner and does not select the rivulet the broad mind. Since, I have felt that must describe a sea day color grand landscape and its implication life true meaning, oneself grasp the language really appears a little pale and weak.
The vicissitudes great change, the star transfers the thing to move, the time passes, the sea day perpetuates. The sea looks like one forever the loyal friend, will remember the life in its front you the struggle with to strive for success, the success and the defeat, will harvest with lose, are happy and are painful. Since long, we become the life analogy a small boat which goes on the sea, is sometimes uneventful, problem-free; The mighty waves are sometimes turbulent, boat sailing against the current; Also has that hidden rock rapids, virtually impossible to guard against. Only has the struggle with to strive for success, can march forward courageously. Goes boating in the sea, not only the sea lets us think is broad and is selfless, lets us think of the strength and eternal. Only the human who loves the sea deeply, can understand its true meaning.
Sits in the seashore, looks out into the distance, the blue color sea, is tranquil from time to time affably, from time to time surging forward; The deep blue sky, is clear and bright from time to time like the mirror, from time to time the pink clouds fly the volume, the beautiful scene is it may be said that eyes cannot take it all. At this moment, you will feel, mind freedom and broad and level, the mind tranquility and broad, soul aloofness and the elegance, strength storing up with will explode, life struggle and joyful. Unconscious, oneself also probably turned in the sea wave, turned the space cloud.
I like the blue sea blue sky, also hoped that the friend of mine likes. The sea extravagant day is far, the cloud woolpack extends, for us one kind of mind and ideal condition; The sea deep day is high, pays selflessly, for us one strength and inspiration. At the same time, also hoped that you and my heart sea equally is likely broad, looks like the blue sky to be equally bright. Let us roam through in the blue sea, soars in the blue sky .....

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