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发布时间:2009/9/26  阅读次数:5305  字体大小: 【】 【】【
二、举办单位:   烟台市牟平山海文化研究会
三、参加单位及人员 :有关全真文化团体、馆校、俱乐部、传统武术文化知名人士和相关文化研究人员,外国友人及海外武术团体、个人。本次大会将特邀部分国际文化界、武术界名人和影视明星参加。大会将得到新华社、人民日报网、博武国际网、新闻中心、艺术中国、运动烟台及相关电视台、日报、晚报的专题报道,并同时对获得 “金奖代表队” 进行相关资料宣传展示。大会将出版国际会刊(中英文参照),内含海内外武术文化界知名人士个人宣传彩页、相关知名企业产品宣介、大会规程秩序册等相关资料,面向海内外进行宣传。
<五>其他拳术文化交流:形意拳、八卦掌、八极拳、通臂拳、劈挂拳、翻子拳、地趟拳、查拳、洪拳、少林拳、永春拳、木兰拳、孙宾拳等 。
<六>拳术对练交流:只限2人或3人对练 ,男女可搭配。
A1组:8岁以下(2001年9月13日以后出生)       A2组:12岁以下         B组:13—18岁     C组:19—30岁     D组:31—40岁     E组:41—50岁       F组:51—60岁G组:61岁以上
各项目时间规定:1 、凡拳术、器械单练(太极、木兰拳类除外)和对练套路,40秒以上,2分钟以内;
2 、凡太极类、木兰拳类套路的器械单练和对练,不超过6分钟;3、武功绝技、其他项目,不超过6分钟;
六、 参加办法:
<一> 各代表队可以国家、地区、文体团队组织的名义参加。
<二> 每队可报领队,教练各1名,运动员人数不限。
<三> 参加人员每人可报1—3项,男女分别设组。
<四> 参加人员向大会出具〈身份证〉原件或年龄证明。
<一> 个人项目:各组各类项目取一、二、三名,颁发金、银、铜牌。 第一名颁发“全真武英”“金牌“和证书;第二名颁发“全真武星”“银牌”和证书;第三名至第六名颁发“全真武星”“铜牌“和证书;个人全能不分男女,年龄、国籍;套路个人全能总分前三名分别颁发“全真武英”“金、银、铜牌”和相应荣誉证书。套路个人全能记分方法:以个人参加项目(含单练、对练)三项最好成绩之和为个人全能成绩,得分最高者为冠军,次为亚军,以此类推。如遇得分相同分者,则以参加项目中获第一名多者列前;再相同时,以获第二名较多者列前,以此类推。如仍相等,则以参加项目多者列前。如再相等,则名次并列。
<二> 团体项目: 所有个人项目赛,前6名积分分别为: 7 、5、 4、 3、 2、 1 , 每队个人总分之和为团体总分。若团体总分出现相同分数时,以团体参赛总人数多的名次排前;若还相同,再以团体取得金牌总数多的名次在前;若还相同,则名次并列等同。获得团体总分前三名的代表队,依次颁发“全真武道重阳”奖杯、“ 全真武道七真”奖杯、 “全真武道烟霞”奖杯和一、二、三名次荣誉证书。
<三> 设最佳功夫表演奖,最佳团体表演奖,颁发奖杯和证书。
<四> 裁判员:担任比赛的裁判员由大会统一选派。评选优秀裁判员、优秀教练员。
<五> 仲裁委员会人员组成和职责范围按《仲裁委员会条例》执行。
<六> 所有仲裁委员、总裁判长、副总裁判长、国际极、国家极裁判由大会组委会聘请。
<七> 参加人员必须穿戴各类功夫服装参加;服装和器材由参加者自己负责。
<八> 参加人员报道时须交15日内的身体健康查体证明(县级以上医院证明),大会组委会要求参加人员参加人身保险,加强自我保护意识,避免意外事故发生,大会不承担任何责任。报名时参加人员须签定保险安全责任书,牟平保险公司提供保险业务服务。
<九> 大会场地给每个队免费提供宣传悬挂队旗的空间,如须悬挂队旗,请于报名时将队旗邮寄至组委会。队旗规格:颜色自选,(长200厘米以内,宽200厘米以内)。
从现在起开始报名,截止时间为2008年8月20日。报名时须附参赛费汇出单据复印件、1寸彩照2张。报名表用特快专递寄到:山东省烟台市牟平山海文化研究会 。
地址:山东省烟台市牟平区政府大街628号商业宾馆2709室(264100)     鲍玉平 收
  电话:0535-8945628                   传真:0535-8945628   手机:13256456111
电子信箱:ytshwh@tom.com           网址:   http://ytshwh.id666.com
收款人:鲍玉平   开户银行:中国工商银行       帐号:622203 1606000465816
注: (1)9月15日组织来宾到全真道发源地国家级森林公园昆嵛山一日游,自愿参加。
(2 )组委会为各代表队刻制全场光碟一套。每套200元。本次大会统一印制精美国际会刊,如需人物、馆校宣介,请把文字图片资料、费用(每彩页1000元)于8月20日前寄到组委会。
2008 Chinese Kunyu Yangma Island Shanhai culture festival and Quan zhen martial arts
exchange congress regulations
一、 date and place: in September, 2008 13--on 14th, Shandong Province Yantai Muping area. (on 13th holds the Quan zhen martial arts cultural exchange congress in Yantai Muping Electric power company assembly hall, on 14th in Yantai Yangma Island white fox square hold Shanhai culture festival)
二、Organizing unit:
Yantai Muping shanhai culture research
joint unit:
Shandong Province Yangma Island traveling resort area management meeting
Yantai Muping Area Culture Administration
Yantai Muping Area Broadcast Television bureau
Yantai Muping Area Travel agency
State-level forest park Kunyu tree farm
North Yantai Anderle fruit juice (group) Limited liability company
Shandong Province Laizhou China Wu Xiao
Yantai Muping Electric power company
Yantai Muping People's Hospital
Yantai Muping area Yi tong building materials Limited companies
The Shandong Province Ju xing performs the Limited company
三、participates in the unit and the personnel: Related Quan zhen cultural organization, hall school, club, traditional martial arts culture celebrity and related culture researchers, foreign friend and overseas martial arts association, individual. This congress will invite the part international cultural circle, the martial arts celebrity and the star video participates. The congress will obtain the Xinhua News Agency, the People's Daily net, the abundant military international net, the media center, artistic China, movement Yantai and the related television station, the daily paper, the evening news special coverage, simultaneously and to obtains “the gold medal team” to carry on the correlation data propaganda demonstration. The congress will publish the international published conference proceeding (Chinese and English reference), contains everywhere martial arts cultural circle celebrity individual propaganda color page, the related well-known enterprise product to proclaim lies, the congress regulations order book and so on correlation data, face everywhere carries on the propaganda.
四、major activity content:
(一)carries on the Shanhai culture academic exchanges, the Kunyu which the recommendation is characteristic Quan zhen cultural, the Shanhai culture and the tourist resources. Holds the Chinese Quan zhen Shanhai culture international calligraphy works big game and the book art exhibition.
(二)Carries on the Quan zhen martial arts cultural exchange, has the fitness qigong, the internal strength skill demonstration, the Wugong unique skill, the hard training, the light merit, the supple merit and so on.. Above content request science, health, security. Carries on the grant master class skill to demonstrate that and issues “Quan zhen international martial arts master” the gold medal and the certificate. Registration qualifications: Various fists plant the palm disciple, the orthodox school to teach other people, domestic and foreign have the popularity grant master class character.
(三)Taijiquan cultural exchange: The country stipulated 24 types, 42 types Taijiquan and various types tradition Taijiquan (Chen, Yang, Wu, Sun, Wu and so on).
(四)Pictographic fist cultural exchange: Including each kind of mantis boxing, monkey boxing, hawk fist and so on..
(五)Other skill at martial arts cultural exchange: The Chinese boxing imitating various animals, the Eight Diagrams palm, the octupole octopole fist, pass the arm fist, to divide hang the fist, to turn the child fist, a fist, Zha Quan, Hong Quan, the Shaolin boxing, the Yongchun fist, the Lily magnolia fist, Sun Binquan and so on.
(六)The skill at martial arts to practices the exchange: Only limits 2 people or 3 people to practices, the men and women may match.
(七)The skill at martial arts to practices the collective project 6-8 people.
(八)Instrument project type:
1、long instrument: Gun, stick, broadsword and so on; 2、 short instrument: Knife, sword and so on; 3、 soft weapon; 4、traditional instrument: Besides first 1, 2, 3 traditional instrument;5、 primal chaos instrument; 6、 the instrument to practices: Only limits two people or three people to practices, the men and women may match. 7、instrument collective project: 6-8 people.
五、Age cohorts and project time stipulation
A1 group: below 8 years old (on September 13, 2001 later birth) A2 group: below 12 years old B group: 13-18 years old C group: 19-30 years old D group: 31-40 years old E group: 41-50 years old F group: 51-60 year old of G group: above 61 years old
Various projects time stipulated: 1、every skill at martial arts, instrument Shan Lian (primal chaos, Lily magnolia fist class exception) and to practices the repertoire, above 40 seconds, in 2 minutes;
2、Every primal chaos class, Lily magnolia fist class repertoire's instrument Shan Lian and to practice, does not surpass 6 minutes;
3、the Wugong unique skill, other projects, do not surpass 6 minutes;
The collective performing item does not surpass 8 minutes.
六、Participates in the means:
(一)Various teams may the country, the area, the literary style team organize the name participates.
(二)Each team may apply and receive the team, trains each 1, the athlete population does not limit.
(三)Participates in personnel each person to be possible to report 1-3 items, the men and women supposes the group separately.
(四)Participates in the personnel to write up to the congress the original part or the age proof.
七、Enrollment position and reward
(一)Individual event: Each group of each kind of project gives one, two, three, issues the gold medal, the silver medal, the bronze medal. First issues “the Quan zhen god of the north UK” “the gold medal “and the certificate; Second issues “the Quan zhen god of the north star” “the silver medal” and the certificate; Issues “the Quan zhen god of the north star” third to sixth “the bronze medal “and the certificate; Versatile does not divide the men and women personally, the age, the nationality; Repertoire individual versatile total score first three issue “the Quan zhen god of the north UK” separately “the gold medal, the silver medal, the bronze medal” and the corresponding honorary certificate. The repertoire records points versatilely personally the method: Take participates in the project (including Shan Lian, to practice) sums of the three best total of points as individual versatile result, the score highest is personally the champion, the time is the second place, ex analogia. In case scores points the same minute, before participates in the project to attain the first row; When is again same, before attains the second many row, ex analogia. If were still equal, before participates in the project many row. If again equal, then the position juxtaposes.
(二)Association project: All individual event match, the first 6 integrals respectively are: 7th, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, sum of each team individual total score is the association total score. If the association total score presents time the same score, before association participation total number of people many position rows; If also same, wins gold medal total many positions again by the association before; If also same, then the position compound equates. Obtains the association total score first three teams, issues “the Quan zhen martial arts Double Ninth Festival” in turn the awarding cup, “the Quan zhen martial arts seven really” the awarding cup, “the Quan zhen martial arts smoke rosy cloud” the awarding cup and one, two, three position honorary certificate.
(三)Sets up the best time performance prize, the best association performs the prize, issues the awarding cup and the certificate.
(四)Referee: Is competition's referee to unify by the congress details. Evaluates the outstanding referee, the outstanding trainer.
(五)The Arbitration committee personnel composition and the scope of official duty carry out according to "Arbitration committee Rule"
(六)All arbitrates committee member, chief judge, vice-chief judge, international, the national referee to invite extremely extremely by the congress organization committee.
(七)Participates in the personnel to dress each kind of time clothing to participate; The clothing and the equipment are responsible by participant.
(八)Participates when the personnel registration must hand over in 15th the health physical examination proof (county level above hospital proof), the congress organization committee requests to participate in the personnel to participate in the life insurance, strengthens protects oneself to realize, avoids the accident occurring, the congress does not undertake any responsibility. When registration participates in the personnel to sign the safe security letter of responsibility, the Muping Insurance company provides the insurance business service.
(九)The congress location free provides the propaganda to each team to be hanging team pennant's space, if must be hanging the team pennant, please in registration when team pennant mail to organization committee. Team pennant specification: Color optional, (in length 200 centimeters, in width 200 centimeters).
八、The congress exchanges the related matters concerned, may refer to the national related laws and regulations execution.
九、Funds: Participative expense each person of each 120 Yuan. Originally meets the member 100 Yuan. The congress unified agreement board and lodging, is the expenses are the responsibility of the individual. Board and lodging standard: A, each person of daily 100 Yuan (popular type); B, each person of daily 160 Yuan (upscale), C, each person of daily 260 Yuan (three-star) A, B, C standard including three meals a day (by Yangma Island characteristic seafood and seasonal vegetables primarily).
十、Registration time and place
(一)Registration time and method:
From now on will start to register, the cut-off time is on August 20, 2008. When registration must attach the participative expense to remit the documentary evidence copy, Two one inch of colour photographs. The application form mails with the special delivery: The Shandong Province Yantai Muping Shanhai culture research board.
Address: commercial guesthouse 2709 room Muping Area Government avenue 628 Yantai Shandong Province (264100)       Bao Yuping receives
Tel: 0535-8945628     Fax: 0535-8945628 handphone: 13256456111
e-mail: ytshwh@tom.com                                     Website: http://ytshwh.id666.com
Payee: Bao Yuping     Bank account: China ICBC     Account number: 622203 1606000465816
Various associations determined as soon as possible participates in the personnel name list and the choice board and lodging standard, the application form must fill in clearly detailed, signs by group leader, and caps the unit official seal. Identical “to practices the project” the pair personnel must indicate; Identical “collective project” the personnel must indicate. The participative expense, the picture must also remit with the newspaper name list, otherwise regards as invalid.
(二)Registration time: Various team please in September 12, 2008 to Shandong Province Yantai Muping Area Government avenue 628 commercial guesthouse registration, after the registration, please send group leader or trains one person to participate that night 7: 00 joint conference which convenes in three building conference rooms.
十一、Not completely matters concerned, by organization committee further notice. This regulations right to interpret turns over to 2008 (the first session) the Chinese Kunyu Yangma Island Shanhai culture festival and the Quan zhen martial arts cultural exchange congress organization committee.
Note: (1) on September 15 organizes the guest to all really saying that the place of origin state-level forest park Kunyu on first swims, participates voluntarily.
(2) the organization committee makes by cutting an entire audience disc set for various teams. Each wrap 200 Yuan. This congress unifies the print fine international published conference proceeding, like needs the character, the hall school to proclaim lies, please the writing picture information, the expense (each color page 1000 Yuan) mail to before August 20 the organization committee.

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